Current Important Cases

Current Important Cases

To count DDO period service for 4,9,14 ACP Case
S.S.A. Equal Work for Equal Pay Case
Punjab Commutation Case
Present Govt. employees 15% benefit with 119% D.A. Case
Govt. Employees 6th pay commission and D.A Arrear
Before 01.01.2016 Below 70 Years
Before 01.01.2016 Above 70 Years
After 01.01.2016 With ELeave and D.A. Arrear
2.59 Factor for the pensioners who retired before 01.01.2016 Case
Guest Teachers Case
DDO Haryana Case
M.A. Increment appointed After 19-02-1979
To Grant Gratuity 20 Lakh Instead of 10 Lakh From 01-01-2016 Who Retired Between 30-03-2018 to Upto Date in Municipal Council / Municipal Corporation / Nagar Panchayat and Improvement Trust
To Grant Gratuity 20 Lakh Instead of 10 Lakh From 01-01-2016 Who Retired Between 01-01-2016 to 29-03-2018 and Leave Encashment Under 6th Pay Commission Report in Municipal Council / Municipal Corporation / Nagar Panchayat and Improvement Trust
Absorption of Test Passed SPO with effect from the date their junior SPO were appointed as Constable in their respective districts
To Release Punjab Govt. Scales instead of Central Govt. Scales after 17 July 2020 appointed employees
To Designate Rank Of Head Constable / Local Rank, Assistant Sub. Inspector / Local Rank, Sub. Inspector / Local Rank and Inspector / Local Rank for the Employee in the Police Department who have completed 16, 24 and 30 years of service as SPO
To Designate Rank Of Head Constable / Local Rank, Assistant Sub. Inspector / Local Rank, Sub. Inspector / Local Rank and Inspector / Local Rank for the Employee in the Police Department who have completed 16, 24 and 30 years of service as Constable
To Count S.P.O. Service as qualifying Service for Pensionary Benefits
To count private aided school service for pension benefit
To count Haryana school service for pension benefit.
SLA / Library Restorer Grade 10300-34800+3200 from 01-12-2011
To remove the pay anomaly between Senior – Junior Case
To remove the pay anomaly between Senior – Junior P.T.I. Teachers
To remove the pay anomaly between Senior – Junior Constables in the Punjab Police
To remove the pay anomaly between Senior – Junior Constables in the Punjab Police (Intelligence Wing)
Senior-Junior Clerk & Junior Assistant
To remove the pay anomaly between Senior – Junior Art & Craft Teachers
Change Of Option
Retirement Benefit Case
To Refund Contributory Provident Fund Alongwith Interest
To Count Probation Period Service for All Benefits
Police Department Probation Period Case
To remove the pay anomaly between Senior – Junior Masters / Mistress
Pay Protection Of Private Aided Schools
Promotion Of D.P.E. From P.T.I.
One Increment After Service Of 12 Months Due to Retirement of 1st of Each Month
Old Age Allowance at the start of age 65, 70, 75 and 80
E.T.T./P.T.I./Drawing/Hindi/Punjabi and Sewing Teacher etc. M.A. Increment appointed After 19-02-1979
Librarian Grade 10300-34800+4200 from 01-10-2011
Librarian Grade 5910-20200+3000 [with initial start of Rs.11470/-] from 01-01-2006 Instead of Grade Pay 2400/-
Lecturer Grade to Master and Mistress who are teaching +1 and +2 Classes
L.T.C. Recovery Case
Junior Assistant Grade Pay 5000-8100 From 01-01-1996
JST Grade 620/- To 660/- Case
Interest on New Pension Scheme as Single Share Case
Higher Pay Scale Against The Duties Performed Higher Post
Giani / Parbhakar Grade 570 + 3 Increments = 620 From 01-01-1978
Exemption of Earned Leave Income Tax at the time of retirement of Govt. Employees
Equal Pay For Equal Work Case
Debar Case due to refusal to avail promotion and forfeiture of proficiency step up of ACP
To release of pay and emoluments in respect of higher post of Principal/Head Master against which they had been called upon to exercise the powers of Drawing and Disbursing Officer (DDO’s) in the capacity of Principal / Headmaster.
DDO Benefit Case
To grant the Pay Scale and Grade Pay Benefit of Current Duty Charge post alongwith Retirement Benefits
To Change of Option From 08-16-24-32 to 04-09-14 Case
To Get the benefit of old pension scheme for the employees who join the service during the period 01-01-2004 To 28-10-2009
60 Years Benefit For Handicapped Employee Retd. At Age 58
08-16-24-32 Years ACP Alongwith Interest Case
25 Years Pension Benefit
LPA for 25 Years Pension Benefit Case
4, 9, 14 ACP with Grade Pay not only increment who ignored 2011 Grade modification under 2.59 multification of 31.12.2015 basic pay
4, 9 or 14 Years ACP to language master promoted from language teacher
Change Of Option From 01-01-1993 Case

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